
发布日期:2025-01-03 18:50    点击次数:174
回避重复是英语的一大特色,这不仅在书面语言中十分突出,在口语中也相当明显。回避的范围也很广,小自单词,大至句子,凡是意义相同的或只是部分相同的词语,均在回避之列。在汉语中,说话写文章也回避重复,过多的重复会使语言罗嗦。但是,汉语由于其固有特点和表达习惯的缘故。在很多地方非重复不可,或者重复了反倒好些。也就是说,如果使用得当,汉语里使用重复并不会给人单调乏味之感。相反,重复反而可以起到反复强调的作用。因此,与英语相反,重复是汉语的一个明显特点。下面我们就简单介绍英语回避重复的一些方法。1. 指代法即使用代词(主要是人称代词、物主代词、指示代词以及用于非限制性定语从句的关系代词等)来回避重复。这是英语中最普通、最常见,也是最有效的回避重复的方法之一。例如:I met John on the street yesterday. He was walking beside his sister. They were going to see ai film.Mary is standing at the door, with her hand in her pocket.2. 换词法即使用范畴词、同义词或准同义词来回避重复。范畴词是一些具有概括意义、表示人和事物范畴的词汇。如:man,woman, people, person, child, thing, object, flower, machine, medicine, matter, idea, feelingr animal 等。The monkey's most extraordinary feat was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine, this remarkable animal had learned to drive the vehicle single-handed.换词是书面英语,尤其是现代新闻英语主要特色之一。换词得当,可以避免单调乏味,使文字新颖别致,焕然生色。如电视机,可说:the television set, the TV,telly, the tube, the goggle-bost, the idiot box 等。3.替代法即使用替代词语成替代句型来回避重复。常用的替代词语有:one,ones, that, those, it,the same (thing), so, such, there, then, likewise, identical, different, like that, in like manner, (in) this way 等。What kind of textbooks do you want? The ones with illustrations or the ones without.
